Musnad ‘Ahmad with the ‘Ahkaam of the Narrations by al-‘Arnaa’uut

As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum,

Al-Hamdu li-Llaah, here is an MS Word format version of Musnad ‘Ahmad bin Hanbal with the Rulings on the narrations by Shaykh Shu’ayb al-‘Arnaa’uut.

It does not include his commentary, rather only his grading of the narration…

May Allah have mercy on Shaykh Shu’ayb for his contributions to knowledge of Islam…


24 Responses to “Musnad ‘Ahmad with the ‘Ahkaam of the Narrations by al-‘Arnaa’uut”

  1. Ali Salman Says:

    can u plz tell me from where i can download it in english…


    • Abu Najm Muhammad Says:

      As-Salaamu ‘Alayka,

      Akhee, Musnad ‘Ahmad as far as I know, is not available in English, neither is the Tahqeeq by Shaykh al-‘Arnaa’uut…

      I am sorry to say…

  2. Jzk!

    lol about IA, don’t be so paranoid dear brother

    we would love you to join!

  3. Abu Najm Muhammad Says:

    I have no idea what ar.m is talking about…????

    However, wa ‘iyyaaka…

  4. The tahqeeq of sheikh arnauut now came out so u would not find it in english.

  5. Is this the Entire Musnad of Imam Ahmad, I thought it was a huge collection? Someone told me that Shaikh Suhaib Aranout’s tahqiq of the musnad is close to 50 volumes?

    • Abu Najm Muhammad Says:


      This is the entire Musnad of ‘Ahmad, however keep in mind that these are word files and not pdf’s, and also keep in mind that this only contains the actual grade/judgment on each hadeeth, not the explanation of the ruling.

      The 52 volume version of Musnad ‘Ahmad by al-‘Arnaa’uut has an amazing amount of explanation for the grades provided for each hadeeth complete with comments on the narrators, text, and sources, as well as other collections in which the narrations are found.

      The only thing like it that I am aware of is the Sharh of Sunan an-Nasaa’ee by the Ethiopian Shaykh ‘Abu ‘Aadam I believe.

      And Allah knows best…

      • Jazakallah Khair

        So correct me if I am wrong, This is the entire Musnad with its grading only? By the way can the entire Musnad and tahqiq by Shaikh Arna’ut downloaded from anywhere. Few of the websites that the brothers and sisters suggested do not have the entire commentary for download.

  6. abu fawaz Says:

    The pdf version of Musnad (with tahqeeq by Arnauth et al) can be downloaded at The comment (hasyiyah) of As-Sindy is also available.

  7. Mustapha Says:

    Jakalkahu Khairan

  8. Mustapha Says:

    Assalamu Alaikum,jazakallahu Khairan 4 A Good Job

  9. Md. Zeeshan Akhtar Says:

    Salaam brother, I don’t know arabic but have somehow been able to figure out the hukm of Shaikh Arn’aut regarding a hadith:
    Its present in 4-2 given by you above. and the Number is 17583.

    Brother its a sincere request if you can find the same in the complete version of the tahkeeq by Shaikh Arn’aut, i mean the complete explanation for classifying it as da’eef.

    Please post the complete ruling in Arabic as well as English here if possible. I will be really gratefull to you.

    • @Md. Zeeshan Akhtar, I dont have the tahkeeq your referring to, but I read the hadith grading, and it says a narrator in the chain (Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Aziz) is unknown. Similarly, states he is unknown (

      If you want the text of the hadith translated to english, ask those who properly know Arabic. [Comment Edited to remove references to emails of individuals]

  10. Abu Najm Muhammad Says:

    Wa Alayk as-Salaam,

    Here is the English:

    Abd Allah bin Numayr narrated to us, on authority of Uthman bin Hakim, he said: Abd ar-Rahman bin Abd al-Aziz informed me, on authority of Ya’la bin Murrah, he said:

    ‘Indeed I had seen something from the Messenger of Allah SAWS on three occasions, that no one before me or after me had seen-

    1) I had gone out with him on a journey and at some point in the path we passed by a woman sitting and with her was a child, and she said: ‘Oh Messenger of Allah, this child has been stricken with an affliction, and we are afflicted due to him; he has been seized today I don’t know how many times’. He SAWS said: ‘Hand him to me’. Then she raised him to the Prophet SAWS so that he was between the Prophet SAWS and the middle of the mount. The Prophet SAWS opened his mouth and spit in it three times and said: ‘In the Name of Allah, I am the slave of Allah- get out, enemy of Allah’. He then handed her back the child and said: ‘Meet us on our return in this same place and inform us of how he is doing’. So we left and returned, and we found her in that place, and with her were three sheep, so he SAWS said: ‘How is your child?’ She said: ‘By He who sent you with the Truth, we have not seen anything wrong with him up to this moment, so ties these sheep to your mount (drag them along)’. He SAWS told us: ‘Get down and take only one from her, and return the rest’.

    2) The narrator said: ‘We left that day for al-Jabbanah, until something happened to us, and the Prophet SAWS said: ‘Look, woe to you! Do you see anything to hide me?’ I said: ‘I do not see anything with which to hide you except a tree though I don’t think it can hide you’. He said: ‘So what is near it?’ I said: ‘A tree just like it, or similar to it’. He said: ‘Go to them, and say: ‘Indeed the Messenger of Allah SAWS commands you that you be combined by the permission of Allah’. Then they combined together and he went to take care of his needs. He SAWS then returned and said: ‘Go and say to them: Indeed the Messenger of Allah SAWS orders you to return, each of you, to its place’.

    3) The narrator said: ‘I was with him SAWS sitting that day when a camel came ambling until he tapped his neck (kneeled down) between his SAWS hands, and his eyes flowed with tears. The Prophet SAWS then said: ‘Woe to you- find who this camel belongs to for indeed there is something the matter with him’. The narrator said: ‘So I went out looking for his owner, when I found him to be a man from al-Ansar, so I called him to the Prophet SAWS, and he SAWS said: ‘What is the matter with this camel of yours?’ He said: ‘What is wrong with him? I don’t know by Allah what is wrong with him- we take care of him and water him until he is unable to quench his thirst anymore, so we decided yesterday to slaughter him and divide his meat between ourselves’. He SAWS said: ‘Then don’t do it; donate or sell him to me’. So the Ansari said: ‘Rather, he is yours Oh Messenger of Allah’. The narrator said: ‘Then he designated him as a camel of Sadaqah, and got up with him’.

    It’s chain is week due to the anonymity of Abd ar-Rahman bin Abd al-Aziz.

    The entire length of it is from Ibn Abi Shaybah 11/488-490 on authority of Abd Allah bin Numayr with this chain.

    And in the same chapter on authority of Jabir 11/490-492, ad-Darimi 17, Ibn Abd al-Barr in at-Tamhid 1/223, al-Bayhaqi in ad-Dala’il 6/18-19, and its chain is weak, as well.

    The first story is from Ibn Abi Shaybah in 8/44 & 54-55, and with the same route from Abu Nu’aym in Dala’il an-Nabuwwah 394, on authority of Abd Allah bin Numayr.

    It also came on authority of Ibn Abbas, previously in the Musnad in number 2288.

    And on authority of Usamah bin Zayd with al-Uqayli 3/81, and al-Bayhaqi in ad-Dala’il 6/24-26.

    On authority of Uthman bin Abil-As in Ibn Majah 3548, at-Tabarani in al-Kabir 8347, Abu Nu’aym in ad-Dala’il 396, al-Bayhaqi in ad-Dala’il 5/307-308 & 308 with a similar wording.

    Also see his narration which comes in 17897; and on authority of al-Wazi’- and it is said: az-Zari’- bin Amir al-Abdi in at-Tabarani in al-Kabir 5314; it is in al-Musnad however he dropped him from the print, see al-Atraf 5/445. There is some debate regarding its chains. The story of the camel comes out in at-Tabarani in al-Kabir 22/694 from the route of Abd Allah bin Numayr and it is an abridged transmission.

    There is a witnessing narration for it from Abd Allah bin Ja’far which came previously in number 1745, and a narration from Malik bin Anas previously in number 12614. And see a supplement of its being a witnessing report there. [Al-Arna’ut declares that Hadith of the camel as authentic due to other than it (Sahih li-Ghayrihi)]

    Regarding the account of the two trees, then it is on authority of Jabir bin Abd Allah in Sahih Muslim 3012.

    On authority of Usamah bin Zayd with Abu Nu’aym in ad-Dala’il 298.

    On authority of Ghaylan bin Salamah with Abu Nu’aym in ad-Dala’il 295.

    On authority of Ibn Mas’ud with al-Bayhaqi in ad-Dala’il 6/20, and the story of the camel is joined to the story of the 2 trees.

    See what will come in numbers: 17549, 17559, 17563, 17564, 17565, and 17567.

  11. Abu Najm Muhammad Says:

    Here is the Arabic:

    (1) إسناده ضعيف لجهالة عبد الرحمن بن عبد العزيز.
    وأخرجه بطوله ابن أبي شيبة 11/488-490 عن عبد الله بن نمير، بهذا الإسناد.
    وفي الباب عن جابر عند ابن أبي شيبة 11/490-492، والدارمي (17) ، وابن عبد البر في “التمهيد” 1/223، والبيهقي في “الدلائل” 6/18-19 وإسناده ضعيف.
    وأخرج القصة الأولى منه ابن أبي شيبة 8/44 و54-55، ومن طريقه أبو نعيم في “دلائل النبوة” (394) ، عن عبد الله بن نمير، به.
    وفي الباب عن ابن عباس، سلف في مسنده برقم (2288) .
    وعن أسامة بن زيد عند العقيلي 3/81، والبيهقي في “الدلائل” 6/24 – 26.
    وعن عثمان بن أبي العاص عند ابن ماجه (3548) ، والطبراني في “الكبير” (8347) ، وأبي نعيم في “الدلائل” (396) ، والبيهقي في “الدلائل” 5/307-308 و308 بألفاظ متقاربة. وانظر حديثه الآتي برقم (17897) وعن الوازع- وقيل: الزارع- بن عامر العبدي عند الطبراني في “الكبير”
    (5314) ، وهو في “المسند” لكن سقط من المطبوع، انظر “الأطراف” 5/445. وفي أسانيدها مقال.
    وأخرج قصة البعير الطبراني في “الكبير” 22/ (694) من طريق عبد الله بن نمير، به. وروايته مختصرة.
    ويشهد لها حديث عبد الله بن جعفر السالف برقم (1745) ، وحديث أنس ابن مالك السالف برقم (12614) . وانظر تتمة شواهده هناك.
    وفي باب قصة الشجرتين عن جابر بن عبد الله عند مسلم (3012) .
    وعن أسامة بن زيد عند أبي نعيم في “الدلائل” (298) .
    وعن غيلان بن سلمة، عند أبي نعيم في “الدلائل” (295) .
    وعن ابن مسعود عند البيهقي في “الدلائل” 6/20 وجمع إلى قصة الشجرتين قصة الجمل.
    وانظر ما سيأتي بالأرقام (17549) و (17559) و (17563) و (17564) و (17565) و (17567) .
    “ففغر فاه”، أي: فتحه.
    “يخبب”: ضَرْب من العَدْو.
    “ضَرَبَ بِجِرانِه”: يقال للبعير إذا بَرَكَ.
    وقوله: “وَسَمه بسِمَة الصدقة”، أي: أعلَمهُ بعلامة إبل الصدقة.

  12. Abu Najm Muhammad Says:

    Here are the grades for each account found in the narration, though this chain is indeed weak, you’ll find a different ruling for the accounts themselves:

    1) Regarding the first account [the woman and the child], then al-Haythami said about its witnessing report on authority of Jabir, that it has in its chain Abd al-Hakim as-Sufyan and that Ibn Abi Hatim mentioned him and that no one criticized him, and the rest of the narrators are trustworthy. Also Dr. Salih ar-Raqab from the University of Gaza in his book ‘Legal Proofs In Affirmation of Shaytan Causing Epilspesy in People’ mentions the narration and declares it Sahih.

    2) The second account [the two trees] Sahih li-Ghayrihi

    3) The third account [the camel] Sahih according to al-Albani in his Tahqiq of Ibn Majah.

    All of the accounts have similar wordings with different, stronger chains that some have considered strong enough to strengthen the accounts.

    This chain and its wording however remain weak just as al-Arna’ut mentioned.

    Allah knows best.

  13. masha allah this is a reliable version of musnad imam ahmad ibn hambal r.a

  14. where i will get the english version ? plz imform me in anyone have or link ?

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